MSR 2011: 8th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories


                                  • Program
                                    • Keynotes
                                  • Call for Papers
                                  • Mining Challenge
                                    • Hall of Fame
                                  • Important Dates
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                                    • Steering Committee
                                  • Help Promote MSR

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                                  Welcome to the homepage of the 8th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories!

                                  The Mining Software Repositories (MSR) field analyzes the rich data available in software repositories to uncover interesting and actionable information about software systems and projects. The goal of this two-day working conference is to advance the science and practice of MSR.

                                  The MSR conference is sponsored by ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE TCSE. The proceedings will be published by ACM and included in its digital libraries. The Springer journal Empirical Software Engineering will publish a special issue on MSR 2011.

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                                  MSR Best Paper Award

                                  posted May 24, 2011, 12:15 AM by Emad Shihab

                                  The paper titled "How Developers Use the Dynamic Features of Programming Languages: the Case of Smalltalk" by Oscar Callaú, Romain Robbes, Éric Tanter and David Röthlisberger was selected as the best paper of MSR'11.

                                  Final MSR program posted

                                  posted May 16, 2011, 11:55 PM by Emad Shihab

                                  The excess加速器购 is now available.

                                  Early Registration

                                  posted excess加速器安装教程 by Emad Shihab   [ updated Apr 16, 2011, 9:28 AM ]

                                  Final day for early registration. Register today.
                                  We look forward to seeing you in Hawaii!

                                  MSR Program

                                  posted Apr 15, 2011, 7:44 AM by Emad Shihab

                                  The MSR program is now available. We have an exciting program this year with 2 keynote speakers, five full paper sessions, a short paper session and a challenge session.

                                  List of Accepted Papers

                                  posted Mar 4, 2011, 10:24 AM by Thomas Zimmermann   [ updated Mar 25, 2011, 12:33 PM by Emad Shihab ]

                                  医学英语翻译|Metabolism文本翻译:2021-8-27 · 学英语是个苦差事,尤其医学英语,更是量大又深奥。千万不能放松哟!今天的医学英语翻译分享来啦! Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions that takes place in the body’s cells, converting the fuel in the food we eat into the energy ...
                                  亿游加速器——极速畅玩全球游戏_可暂停_免费试用【官方 ...:虽然亿游加速器是加速器中的后来者,但是加速效果却一点也不逊色于其他的加速器,对比了使用了多个加速器,最终落户了亿游,期待亿游能够成为游戏加速行业的佼佼者


                                  • 创新_YOKA时尚网:作为“亚洲肌底专家”,雪花秀矢志追求不为时光所动的美,结合前沿护肤科技不断进行创新与产品升级,力求为全球消费者提供调理肌肤的上乘美肤方案。在此后的20余年中,润燥精华历经数次革新——从2021年独树一帜的瞬吸质地,到2021年独家黄金18小时炮制技术的运用,再至2021年第四伋焕活肌 ...
                                  • Emanuel Giger, Martin Pinzger and Harald Gall. Comparing Fine-Grained Source Code Changes And Code Churn For Bug Prediction
                                  • Shivani Rao and Avinash Kak. Retrieval from Software Libraries for Bug Localization: A Comparative Study with Generic and Composite Text Models
                                  • Benjamin Biegel, Quinten David Soetens, Willi Hornig, Stephan Diehl and Serge Demeyer. Comparison of Similarity Metrics for Refactoring Detection
                                  • 2021政府工作报告双语全文[3] - China Daily:2021-3-18 · 3月5日,李克强总理《政府工作报告》双语全文。 三、2021年重点工作 III. The major areas of work for 2021 今年是全面建成小康社会决胜阶段的开局之年,也是推进结构性改革的攻坚之年。
                                  • Siim Karus and Harald Gall. A Study of Language Usage Evolution in Open Source Software
                                  • Pete Rotella and Sunita Chulani. Implementing Quality Metrics and Goals at the Corporate Level
                                  • Armijn Hemel, Karl Trygve Kalleberg, Rob Vermaas and Eelco Dolstra. Finding Software License Violations Through Binary Code Clone Detection
                                  • Dennis Pagano and Walid Maalej. How Do Developers Blog? An Exploratory Study
                                  • Vibha Singhal Sinha, Senthil Mani and Saurabh Sinha. Entering the Circle of Trust: Developer Initiation as Committers in Open-Source Projects
                                  • Laleh Mousavi Eshkevari, Venera Arnaoudova, Massimiliano Di Penta, Rocco Oliveto, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc and Giuliano Antoniol. An Exploratory Study of Identifier Renamings
                                  • Chris Parnin, Christian Bird and Emerson Murphy-Hill. Java Generics Adoption: How New Features are Introduced, Championed, or Ignored
                                  • Abram Hindle, Neil Ernst, Mike Godfrey and John Mylopoulos. Automated topic naming to support cross-project analysis of software maintenance activities
                                  • Stephen Thomas, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan and Dorothea Blostein. Modeling the Evolution of Topics in Historical Software Repositories
                                  • Oscar Callaú, Romain Robbes, Éric Tanter and David Röthlisberger. How Developers Use the Dynamic Features of Programming Languages: the Case of Smalltalk
                                  • Sandeep Krishnan, Robyn Lutz and Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova. Empirical Evaluation of Reliability Improvement in an Evolving Software Product Line
                                  • Shahed Zaman, Bram Adams and Ahmed E. Hassan. Security vs Performance bugs: A Case Study on Firefox
                                  • Alexander W. J. Bradley and Gail C. Murphy. Supporting Software History Exploration
                                  • Daryl Posnett, Abram Hindle and Prem Devanbu. A Simpler Model of Software Readability
                                  • Jon Eyolfson, Lin Tan and Patrick Lam. Do time of day and developer experience affect commit bugginess?


                                  • Yuan-Fang Li and Hongyu Zhang. Integrating Software Engineering Data Using Semantic Web Technologies
                                  • Dave Binkley, Matthew Hearn and Dawn Lawrie. Improving identifier informativeness using Part of Speech Information
                                  • Pamela Bhattacharya and Iulian Neamtiu. Bug-fix Time Prediction Models: Can we do better?
                                  • 广东11选5前三结果-真人美女荷官:2021-6-13 · 但就整个行业格局的 前景,我不觉得 在线格局会发生很大变化 在曹德旺看来,疫后各国着手构建更独立、完整 、安全 的产业链会是一个趋势,或许逆全球化的趋势不可避免,并最终会成为定局 广东11选5前三结果 3月底,虽然潘 纯负责的南五病房已交由湖南队接管, 但这并未改变他每日定时从 ...
                                  • 记一次博客被群压的经历 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云 - Tencent Cloud:2021-12-9 · local excess = err -- the request exceeding the 200 req/sec but below 300 req/sec, -- so we intentionally delay it here a bit to conform to the -- 200 req/sec rate. ngx.sleep(delay) -- 延时处理 end 导入 nginx.conf 配置:
                                  • Caitlin Sadowski, Chris Lewis, Zhongpeng Lin, Xiaoyan Zhu and E. James Whitehead. An Empirical Analysis of the FixCache Algorithm


                                  • Xinlei Wang, Eilwoo Baik and Premkumar Devanbu. Operating System Compatibility Analysis of Eclipse and Netbeans Based on Bug Data
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                                  • Olga Baysal, Ian Davis and Michael Godfrey. A Tale of Two Browsers
                                  • Yukinao Hirata and Osamu Mizuno. Do Comments Explain Codes Adequately?
                                  • Daniel German and Julius Davies. Apples Vs. Oranges? An exploration of the challenges of comparing the source code of two software systems

                                  Share your Data with PROMISE!

                                  posted Mar 3, 2011, 10:54 PM by Thomas Zimmermann

                                  While the PC is making its final decisions for the author notification tomorrow, we would like to announce a partnership between MSR and PROMISE: 

                                  This year, MSR has teamed with the PROMISE conference銀河英雄傳說 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书:2021-6-9 · 概要 背景设定为人类生存圈扩展到全銀河系的未来时空。 由於財富帶來糜爛,人們對政治失去信心,漸漸疏於履行民主之義務,野心家趁機奪權,重回專制體制,建立「銀河帝國」。 不滿帝制的人民展開逃亡,成立自由行星同盟。从此兩國互相爭戰达150多年,加上夾在中間之强大经济体——獨立 ...

                                  By storing your data in a publicly accessible location, your papers will get cited more (since they will be the origin of a line of research based around your data). 

                                  Also, by interacting with other researchers using your data, you may discover ways to enhance your analysis method (perhaps resulting in more publications, or novel grant opportunities, in the future). 

                                  For information on how to donate data to PROMISE, see "How to donate data" at

                                  Keynotes + Registration

                                  posted Feb 22, 2011, 4:31 PM by Thomas Zimmermann   [ updated Feb 22, 2011, 4:50 PM ]

                                  It is our pleasure to announce the keynote speakers for MSR 2011 in Hawaii.

                                  Yuanyuan Zhou will talk about her tech-transfer experiences from copy-paste detection to checking for known bugs.
                                  She is a Qualcomm Chair Professor at University of California, San Diego. She is also the CTO and co-founder for PatternInsight, whose tools have been used in several large companies to improve software quality.
                                  Jim Whitehead will talk about 广东11选5前三结果-真人美女荷官:2021-6-13 · 但就整个行业格局的 前景,我不觉得 在线格局会发生很大变化 在曹德旺看来,疫后各国着手构建更独立、完整 、安全 的产业链会是一个趋势,或许逆全球化的趋势不可避免,并最终会成为定局 广东11选5前三结果 3月底,虽然潘 纯负责的南五病房已交由湖南队接管, 但这并未改变他每日定时从 ...
                                  He is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where he performs research in the fields of software evolution, software bug prediction, and automated generation of computer game levels.

                                  The registration for the MSR conference is now open. Early registration ends April 15. To register, please visit the following URL:

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                                  Challenge Deadline Extended

                                  posted Feb 16, 2011, 11:09 AM by Emad Shihab   [ updated Feb 16, 2011, 11:14 AM ]

                                  Aloha! We have extended the submission deadline for the Mining Challenge to Sunday, February 20th. Submit your challenge papers for a chance to win an XBOX with Kinect!

                                  We are looking forward to your submissions. Please use EasyChair to submit your challenge papers. See you in Hawaii!


                                  posted Jan 20, 2011, 8:54 AM by Thomas Zimmermann   [ updated Jan 20, 2011, 9:08 AM ]

                                  Aloha! We have extended the submission deadlines for the research track: 
                                  • 22.8亿美元,普通员工几万倍!特斯拉马斯克薪酬曝光 ...:2021-10-3 · 素有“钢铁侠”之称的马斯克拥有多家公司,而他每年的年薪一定是不菲的。 作为特斯拉CEO,马斯克在2021年从特斯拉赚了22.8亿美元,这一数字包括他的工资、股票期权、股票增值和其他津贴。特斯拉员工的工资中位数约为5.6万美元,而马斯克每年的收入是该公司员工中位数工资的40668倍。
                                  • papers are now due on Monday, January 31st
                                  We are looking forward to your submissions. Please use EasyChair to submit your abstracts and papers. See you in Hawaii!

                                  Mining Challenge: Win an XBOX with Kinect!

                                  posted Dec 7, 2010, 5:30 PM by Thomas Zimmermann   [ updated excessⅴpn安卓 ]

                                  Find out how to participate on the Mining Challenge web-page.
                                  The Xbox with Kinect is sponsored by Microsoft Research. Thanks!

                                  Find us on Facebook

                                  posted 立马加速器 by Thomas Zimmermann

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